The logo is designed in Adobe Illustrator using various shape and play on color. It is a toasted bread with ketchup splatter with fun shapes.


The sitemap display how the whole application is connected and the user journey when signing up or logging in. Users are first shown intereacting with the intro pages, if an error occurs in the varification processs then they are sent to an error page to try again. If not then they are taken to the main page for example the home page where they can start intereacting.

Intial Wireframe

Design blueprint of the application made to display what the application layout will look like according to the sitemap. Each wireframe is a repersenation of the user journey and how they intereact with one another.

Users at the start of making thier own account in Deli Potential will have the option to choose platter theme that interest them. Ofcourse if users ever want to change thier interests they can do that via account setting.